When you're building.....

Too much CA can be detrimental. There should be just enough to do the job. Too much causes the joint to be brittle.
The people who engineered your kit are just that- Engineers. Don't second guess them and change stuff around. This could render your model unflyable
Reinforce high stress joints with epoxy. Use your judgement. If there is a joint you don't feel comfortable with just CA, fillet it with epoxy.
As a rule, I always put some triangle stock in the horizontal stabilizer/fuselage joint. This provides extra strength and makes covering less difficult.
Household ammonia can be used as a CA Kicker (it accelerates the reaction/curing time). Be careful, as it dries fast enough as it is!
Cut sheeting or other non die-cut parts a little bit larger than intended. You can always sand excess off.
If your kit uses hatches to access the servos or gas tank, soak the pilot holes with thin CA. This stiffens the wood fibers and prolongs the hole's life.
If you are at all capable of doing it, change the wing mounting system to a cap screw/blind nut system. The nylon bolts are good, but anything that will shear them off is going to total a plane. The extra strength is worth the risk.
If your kit is a "glue in" wing, shim any gaps with leftover 1/16" balsa and fillet the joint with epoxy.
Enlarge the fuel line holes in the firewall slightly. The extra room makes installation and maintenance much easier.

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